Monday, April 11, 2011

When the heart speaks

Preparing for final, the very last main exam sitting in my college life. What I can say is, I have no more feeling on them. Will just try to do the best on my part.

Whenever it comes to exam period, I started to get emo easily. Heart gets to speak even louder than usual, asking for everything that I have dream and think of, but not get to make it yet. When the heart tends to speak, means they are really meant to me. And for the last few sittings, I failed to fight with my heart at that moments. Took the wrong steps, made wrong decisions, and then comes the regrets.

Am a person who gets impatient easily, wants to settle things/problems ASAP. I don't like the "hanging" feels, like no end, and the the consequences is that I can't make accurate decisions at the same time when one don't have a peace mind and just follows the heart. Perhaps, I should have calm down myself before making any decisions.

Same for this time, but I guess I have been more strong to fight with my heart. Hope it continues to work by then.

"The tough thing about following your heart is what people forget to mention,
that sometimes your heart takes you places you shouldn’t be,
places that are as scary as they are exciting and as dangerous as they are alluring,
and sometimes your heart takes you to places that can never lead to a happy ending.
And that’s not even the difficult part.
The difficult part is when you follow your heart,
you leave normal, and you go into the unknown.
And once you do, you can never go back."

Just so true.

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