Sunday, December 27, 2009


please don't take something as granted

please be more


we are not leaving in our own world

please don't be so ignorant where there are still others around us

unless they meant nothing to you at all

we might treat others as invisible sometimes but maybe they are not

when they are sound

it doesn't mean that they are agree with in terms of your behaviors... your actions... your habits... the way you treat ppl etc etc...

they are just trying to tolerate with you

for human

there is a limit for a person to tolerate with somethings

but just don't take it as granted

they are not born to tolerate with you... to grant with you

it will just last till certain extend, not always

there will be no turning point when it comes to an end


Just getting fed-up with somethings/ppl around me. These had been accumulated since quite some times. Feel like it will be going to explode soooooon. Can't you ppl just be a bit more understandable & sensible instead of just doing/enjoying your own business by ignoring stuffs/ppl around you??? Don't take something as granted if there are ppl sacrificing their favour for you. Don't keep complain & talk much if you are not doing anything else . Come out with solution but not making problem.

How would you feel if ppl are doing the same things on you??? Just be more appreciate-able on what others did. I don't expect much but just some understandable & sensible.

OK... maybe i m the one who having the problem... not YOURS!!!

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